We'll be BACK on site, but NOT just yet!

Check this site regularly for updates on what onsite services we are restoring.

LCR is part of the overall University of Calgary re-entry strategy. We are working to restore some essential services as quickly as possible in a way that is safe for you - our users- and our staff and in the context of the overall campus re-entry plan. We will continue to offer our suite of online services and will also be expanding access to online books and resources. Virtual service hours today: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Physical locations remain closed. You can return your books to the exterior book drop on the East side of the TFDL. More information on the Covid 19 page.


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410 University Court NW Calgary

Information: 403.220.8895

Email: libinfo@ucalgary.libanswers.com

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The Bennett Jones Law Library is closed until further notice. Please email lawlib@ucalgary.ca or use Chat if you require assistance. Thank you.

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Murray Fraser Hall 2340

Information: 403.220.3727

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The Business Library will be closed until further notice. Please contact us at haskayne@6rml06.wcbzw.com or use Chat if you require assistance. Thank you.

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Scurfield Hall 301

Information: 403.220.6113

Email: library@haskayne.ucalgary.ca

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The Doucette Library is closed until further notice. Please email doucinfo@ucalgary.ca or use Chat if you require assistance. Thank you.

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Education Block 370

Information: 403.220.5637

Email: doucinfo@ucalgary.ca

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The Gallagher Library is closed until further notice. Please email baacloud官网登录 or Chat if you require assistance. Thank you

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Information: 403.220.6042

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The Health Sciences Library is closed until further notice. Please email hslibr@ucalgary.ca or Chat if you require assistance. Thank you.


Health Sciences Centre 1450

Information: 403.220.6855

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Effective Tuesday March 17, The Military Museums Library is temporarily closed to the public. This measure was taken to ensure the safety and health of the campus and Calgary community, including those who take our programs. For further information on the University of Calgary’s COVID-19 response please visit ucalgary.ca/covid-19.

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The Military Museums

Information: 403.974.2831

免费翻国外墙的app libinfo@ucalgary.libanswers.com

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